
类型:剧情电影 剧情

地区:苏联 年份:1987

主演:季米特里·米柳坚科 Larisa Kadochnikova Feodosiya Litvinenko 妮娜·图利索娃 Dzhemma Firsova 





  相信曾经苦苦寻找的片子总有一天都会看到的,这是我的另一个梦又实现了。。。乌克兰诗电影的最高杰作,65年完成,被禁22年。。。不得不赞叹一下Yuri Ilyenko的黑白摄影术超牛!
  This film is now considered an important part of the Ukrainian film heritage. It was made in 1965 but was not released until 1987. Director Yuri Ilyenko, who served as a cinematographer on Sergei Paradjanov's acclaimed Shadows of our Forgotten Ancestors is widely regarded as a living treasure of Ukrainian cinema. In this impressionistic and spare black-and-white film, evocative imagery dominates the story and there is very little dialogue. The life of a man who lives in a desert oasis is unveiled. He is an old man, and except for the occasional visits of strangers seeking to slake their thirst at the village well, nothing very much happens where he lives. In one scene, the old man himself is seen as imprisoned within the well. In another, a jet flies overhead and a car approaches carrying family members who have brought the old man a tape recorder as a present.

本片于1987年11月11日在苏联等国家或地区上映,使用的别名(拼音或译名)有干渴之泉 Родник для жаждущих1987,Rodnik dlya zhazhdushchikh,A Fountain For The Thirsty,A Spring for the Thirsty,A Well for the Thirsty,gankezhiquan。活力看为您提供电影《干渴之泉》免费在线观看,华为、小米、OPPO、QQ、UC、苹果Safari等手机浏览器可以下载或无线投屏到智能电视观看。编辑更新于2024-05-13 20:12:23

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